Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Almost Forgot!!

We had our card exchange for April a little later in the month, due to Easter being at the beginning of the month. I almost forgot to post it til I was looking back at the blog. So the theme for April was a sketch challenge (the picture of the sketch is blurry), its from Pagemaps - pdf archives - June 2006 cardmaps. The cards are wonderful as usual and we all seem to like the sketch challenges. Our next theme/challenge is GET WELL for the month of May and we are back on schedule, the first Sunday of the month......only 2 weeks between the exchanges but we can do it....of course some were done before the last exchange....yes! you know who you are!....we are all so green and envious and wish we could be organized just like you, keep up the good work. Here is the sketch and the cards.

Keep Smiling!

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