Thursday, October 8, 2009

Maybe One Day I will be Organized Enough

Well its Thursday and its the 4th show into "Survivor" season and I haven't posted a card yet.....whats the matter with me? I thought after getting all caught up with the card exchange cards I would be keeping this blog up-to-date....bad blogger, bad blogger!

Okay, so whats been happening? Cardzgal and I are getting together as usual for our Thursday night "Dinner and Survivor and card exchange". We didn't do a card on the first show.....we just weren't that organized. The second show in we had dinner at cardzgal's and it was also my birthday that night, so I'll post the birthday card that cardzgal made and our exchange cards(christmas themed for the whole season)

For my birthday card - a Bella Stamp was used

For our exchange cardzgal used stamps from Imaginisce, fun flock, flower soft and the oval nestabilities and added some wiggly eyes; and for my card I used a stamp from Inkadinkado, a cuttlebug embossing folder; I chalked a bit of the image and distressed the edges and added some ribbon and popped the image.

<- cardzgal

<- royal dreams

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